
How to Start a Home Decor Blog

December marked my one year blogging anniversary. I really can’t believe it has already been one whole year. I had been dreaming of starting a home decor blog for years before I finally took the leap. My only regret was not starting sooner.

This past year was one of the best and I was left feeling accomplished for finally chasing my dreams. And excited to plan out what 2020 would look like for my business.


I get asked all the time how I got started, how much it cost, do I make money blogging and how do I make money blogging. Along with a long list of other questions like; How I do it all and still work full time?  I thought what better way than to spill all my blogging tips in a new how to blog series! Don’t worry if you have no interest in blogging I will still be posting about all things home decor.

Over the next few months, I will be posting  highly requested blog post on all the behind the scenes. My hope is that if you are considering starting a home decor blog, or really any blog that this is a guide and a little insight into what it could look like for you.

I am not going to tell you my journey was a perfect one. This business is all about trial, error, and growth over time. I am also still a baby blogger and have a lot to learn. But I would love to share how I made over $13,000 in my first year of blogging part-time and how you can too.

The first post in the series is all about setting up your blog and what you need to do before you can launch.

Why do you want to start a blog?

This is the most important question. Why do you want to start a blog? If you do not know the WHY behind starting your blog you will most likely give up. Blogging is not easy and it is not a get rich quick career path. When you are on your computer 12+ hours a day, staying up long nights, saying no to things you want to do or sacrificing time with your family you are going to need a WHY to keep you going.

Some examples of a WHY could be; being able to work from home, paying off debt, traveling without constraint. There are an endless number of WHYs, but just make sure that you have one. It will keep you going when blogging gets hard.

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